The unforgettable unremembered – A Poem

Having written far too many form poems, here’s an unexpurgated squirt of untamed odic pleasure 🙂

The Unforgettable Unremembered

I've long lost the lighted eyes of the earliest 
					girl I kissed
The face of my inaugural drop of inhibitions
Is in pieces, an oblivious, unbiddable vision.

Years later I shuddered as another
Pushed me against the fence first,
Flipped the zip and found me with her grip
	What shape were her lips?

My birthday beautiful bright breasts
Not glimpsed but gifted
Beckoned for hourly seconds
In this astonishing licence to leer
	It doesn't get better

but it did
	one new year
More than champagne broke bringing busting
	bursting bubbles in the mouth
These first fornicatory fiddles, fabulous failures,
	perfect pre-emptors and faultless finds
	fragment 	and 	
All gone gurgling down amnesia's greedy gullet
	Gauzing to glaucous generality
	Names and places have been changed

But the sweet memorable mangling mystery
	of the missed!

I cannot forget
The one who said no
	or the too beautiful
	I couldn't even approach

The untasted remains
I could paint now
like a photograph 

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